Effect of Bacillus Subtilis SY1 on antifungal activity and plant growth

Yang Zongzheng, Liu Xin, Liu Zhong, Pang Jinzhao, Qiu Jin, Yang Wenyan


 Agriculture soil in some areas of China is seriously damaged due to years of irrational farming practices. Soil-borne disease is a major problem of soil pollution, which affects yield and quality of agricultural products.  Ecological remediation of soil is an effective way to solve this problem.  In this study, Bacillus subtilis SY1 was successfully used to antagonist several normal fungal pathogens in eggplant.  The growth and pathogenic tolerance of the host plant were improved after inoculation.  In the seedling test, sprout tendency, accumulative germination percentage, sprout index, and vigour index of seeds increased 24%, 24%, 35%, and 64%, respectively.  Inoculation also made the seedlings stronger and improved their plant-morphologic characters significantly.  When infected by fungal pathogen, the activity of protective enzymes in inoculated seedlings improved, which helped lessening membrane damage by superoxide anion.


Key words: fungal pathogen, antagonism, growth promotion, protective enzymes


DOI: 10.3965/j.issn.1934-6344.2009.04.055-061


Citation: Yang Zongzheng, Liu Xin, Liu Zhong, Pang Jinzhao,, Qiu Jin, Yang Wenyan.  Effect of Bacillus Subtilis SY1 on antifungal activity and plant growth.  Int J Agric & Biol Eng, 2009; 2(4): 55


soil-borne disease, chemical residue, ecological remediation, sustainable development

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